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Church of England Primary Academy

Climbing to new heights together

Parent Survey

Dear Parents,


As the Local Governors of Whitesheet Academy, we are writing to you as we are aware that there are concerns among some parents about the arrangements for teaching in school in the summer term and beyond. We greatly value your support as parents and invite you to help us by completing this questionnaire below.


We will carefully analyse the results and inform you through the website. As a group of governors, we are continuing to support the ongoing improvement and future of the school, and we greatly value your help in this.


This questionnaire is based on the OFSTED parents questionnaire and has shown to be reliable and valuable to schools.


Please complete this by 19th March 2021.


With thanks for your help,


Yours faithfully,


Margaret Martin - Chair of Governors

Rev'd Ben Rundell-Evans - Parish Priest


On behalf of the Local Governors
