At Whitesheet CE Primary Academy, we warmly welcome children from all catchment areas. School transport is offered to children from the following areas; Maiden Bradley, Kilmington, Stourton and Zeals and any hamlets along the bus route.
If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.
In Year Admissions
a. Applications for in year admission may be submitted at any time during the school year.
b. The School is part of the LA’s in-year co-ordination scheme. Any person wishing to apply for a place at the School in-year will need to contact the LA for an application form via the link below
Further details in respect of in-year applications is available from the School office or from the School website.
c. The LA will liaise with the School on receipt of any in-year application so that it may be processed in accordance with the School’s admission arrangements.