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Church of England Primary Academy

Climbing to new heights together

Lunch Menus

Apetito Lunches


We are delighted to be working with Apetito to bring the children delicious hot school lunches.


Please see below for their information on where the fresh ingredients used in the meals are from https://apetito | Showpad


Autumn Term Lunch Menu

Free School Meals for Children in KS1 and Reception

As you may be aware, the Government introduced the Universal Free School Meals Scheme (UIFSM), which means all children in Year R, Year 1 and Year 2 automatically qualify for FREE nutritious school meals to maximise their learning at this critically important time in their school life.

Thousands of children already benefit from this scheme across the country. However, we recognise that some parents are confused as to whether they need to register and are consequently not taking advantage of this scheme which could save you over £400 a year for each child in KS1. For UIFSM, parents do not need to register unless they qualify for income based free school meals.


Income Based Free School Meals

The income based free school meal system is separate from UIFSM. Whatever year group your child is in, you could help your school even further by registering for free school meals. Your school can then receive Government funding to provide an even greater quality learning experience.

You must be in receipt of one of the benefits shown on the application form to be eligible for free school meals for your child or children.

Applications can be made by completing the Application Form available from the school office or on-line via a secure government website, which links to your benefit providers.

However, if the eligibility checking service (ECS) has not been able to verify your entitlement, Wiltshire Council will then need to contact you to ask for evidence to show you are currently in receipt of one of the eligible benefits.

Claims cannot be backdated. The date of entitlement is the date that Wiltshire Council confirm your eligibility, using the ECS or paperwork supplied, and successfully process your application.

