Visions and Values
Our Whitesheet Vision
‘Climbing to new heights together’
Our vision and values are at the core of all we do. They underpin our teaching, learning and daily relationships, creating a welcoming and inclusive learning environment for all. Our aim is to provide a happy and caring community where every child is known and feels special. We are rightly proud of our pupils, their understanding of the world around them, their achievements, and the way they live out our values.
Our biblical underpinning is taken from the book of Matthew. It is where we see Jesus go up a mountain to reflect, pray and be with God. Here we see him begin to teach people the ‘Beatitudes’ where he impresses on us the importance of peace making, righteousness and forgiveness. The image of the mountain is represented by our hillock, where we identify as a learners, understanding from Jesus how to live life in all its fullness and together going forth to spread his word.
‘When Jesus saw the crowds of people there, he went up on a hill and sat down. His followers came and sat next to him. Then Jesus began teaching the people.’
Matthew 5.1-2
‘Climbing to new heights together’
Our Values