Links to websites and external support
Virgin Care - Wiltshire Children's Services This website provides key information on the services and the referral criteria for these services
Special Needs Jungle Parent led information, resources and informed opinion about children and young people aged 0-25 years
Wiltshire Parent Carer Council The WPCC provides a specialist consultation service that enables parents and carers to voice their opinions, share ideas and get help and information about the services available.
SENDIASS Wiltshire Service providing impartial and confidential advice and information for families on SEND around education and care
ADHD Foundation Parent Advice Get advice and guidance on helping your child manage problems and difficulties with Top Tips from an internationally recognised expert, Dr Susan Young.
Advice after an Autism Diagnosis Wiltshire Children's services,The information on this page will provide you with links to other services where you can find some helpful advice and support for children and young people with autism, and for any issues that you may be experiencing within your family.
British Dyslexia Association If your child is, or may be, dyslexic then we have information, resources and training available to help you to ensure that your child is able to reach their full potential
I CAN Talking Point This gives parents/carers the information they need to help children develop their speech, language and communication skills.
Speech and Language Support Integrated Treatment Services: Language Resource Pack
Speech and Language Kids Speech and Language free resources
Do To Learn Resources to support social communication and developing positive behaviours