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Church of England Primary Academy

Climbing to new heights together


  • Change to payments for Craft Day

    Thu 10 Dec 2020 Mrs Smart

    Change to payments for Craft Day:


    The Friends of Whitesheet, have very kindly offered to cover the cost of Craft Day - we therefore do not require any contributions from parents or carers. We would like to say a massive thank you to friends for this generous offer!

  • Key Stage 2 altered arrangements for Friday's Craft Day

    Thu 10 Dec 2020 Mrs Smart

    Key Stage 2 altered arrangements for Friday's Craft Day


    We have had a bit of a rethink regarding KS2 PE on Friday. In the current climate, we are keen to keep the children as active as possible and have therefore decided that we will still have Mr Betts in school this Friday, to provide PE for the KS 2 children. As it is Craft Day, we will run two 1-hour sessions, one for years 3 and 4 and one for years 5 and 6. This will enable Mr Betts to work with the children, as well as enabling Mrs Bendell and Miss Thomas to work closely with the smaller groups on their craft items.


    The children can still come to school in non-school uniform with their Christmas jumper on, but can we ask that they wear trainers and clothes that are suitable for taking part in PE outside.


  • Christmas Jumper and Craft Day

    Tue 08 Dec 2020 Mrs Smart

    Christmas Jumper and Craft Day


    It’s almost arrived…our Christmas Jumper and Craft Day is on Friday 11th December! This will be a non-uniform day for all the children…and staff …and we hope that as many children and staff as possible will come to school with a fabulous display of Christmas jumpers. If you do not have a Christmas jumper at home, please do not feel you have to buy one especially, just send you child in their favourite home clothes! There will be no PE for KS2 this week, so no need to wear PE kit on Friday.

    We will be combining the day with our Christmas Crafts – so please be prepared for a good sprinkling of glitter and glue!!
