Contact Details


Church of England Primary Academy

Climbing to new heights together


The Academy is part of the Diocese of Salisbury Academy Trust.  The Trust Board oversees all schools in the Trust. To ensure the Board maintains effective oversight of educational performance for the benefit of children, the Trust Board has delegated responsibility to Academy Standards and Ethos Committees for driving educational improvement via the monitoring and evaluation of educational performance against the Academy Improvement Plan (AIP), provision of challenge as well as support to hold school leaders to account for academy standards; pupil outcomes (especially for disadvantaged children), spirituality and wellbeing; stakeholder engagement and regulatory compliance i.e. safeguarding, H&S, SEND.


You can find out more about the Trust Board by clicking here.

Members of the Academic Standards and Ethos Committee of Whitesheet CE Primary Academy:


Mrs E Mullord - Headteacher

Mr C Vizor - Foundation Governor

Mrs Angela O'Brien - Foundation Governor

Mrs J Smart - Staff Governor

Mrs M Kerridge - Parent Governor


If you wish to contact the Academy Standards & Ethos Committee, please email Mr Liam Searle - Clerk to ASEC @

Our Governors

 We're currently updating our list, an accurate one will be uploaded soon

We currently have a vacancy for a Trust Governor, if you would be interested in joining our team please contact our Clerk on


Please see below for more information on becoming a Trust Governor.
